Sunday, January 13, 2008

Because it's on my mind

I at the very least hope to show an attitude of respect to those who have different beliefs or lifestyles than I have. This may not always have been the case with me. And I am not perfect and will probably fall short in the open-ended acceptance category from time to time. But my goal, my heart, my direction is toward respect.

I hate the DRAMA of politics and religion because it separates more than it unites.

We are all ultimately the same. We may not believe the same things and obviously I would hope to share my beliefs with other people if the time and opportunity presents itself, but if it doesn't, I need to live my life in a way that demonstrates the love, kindness and compassion that attracted me to this way of life to begin with. And let go of the little things. Because honestly, it just makes me tired to argue over belief systems as opposed to just sharing our convictions in love with no ulterior motives or plans.

Anyway, wherever you are and whatever you believe, I hope you feel peace tonight and that somehow through conversation and patience, we can learn to live together no matter how different we may be.

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