What I've discovered today after a long weekend of unwanted drama is this:
The whole thing, what made it great, was the relationships.
The relationships between those members of the band,

the relationships between the members and those that loved the band,

and the relationships between those that loved the band and each other.

That was what was important. It wasn't anything else.
It wasn't what happened to whom or who got to play what or what show they played or what they got offered, it was the relationships that was the electricity between all of it. That was what carried the whole thing. Without the relationships, it's over.
And if the relationships are lost and broken now, as it seems many of them have been the last few months, it's as if it was all for nothing. But I don't believe it was all for nothing. And I believe those relationships can be saved. I believe we can remember what drew us all together to begin with.

So things are looking up. At least from where I'm sitting they are. And I cried tonight because a relationship was mended that I've prayed to be mended for months. And it was mended because of drama. And if that was the whole purpose for the drama, then I don't care what happens from here. Because I've already seen a purpose behind it that made it worth it. Because what happened as a result of them even being asked to play, sparked a conversation that mended a relationship that was the definition of brotherhood. And maybe that's cheesy, and maybe it won't ever be exactly the same again, but it's at least closer than it has been the last few months. And I know two people who feel a little better in the midst of conflict.

God is good.
P.S. I'm such a freaking girl.
And Lewis & Ian are going to kill me
because of that picture.
But I like it.
And it's my blog.
And Lewis & Ian are going to kill me
because of that picture.
But I like it.
And it's my blog.
i love that picture of ian and lewis! i don't know why they'd kill you! it's sincere.
seeing them together...
i dont know.
its the way things should be
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