Synopsis: Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet play two opposite ends of the spectrum kind of women who both find themselves in need of a change. They trade houses for 2 weeks and meet new people and new men to run around with while they are in town. Like all great romantic comedies, their lives are changed in 2 weeks or less and we finish the movie smiling!
I thought this movie was great! I am a sucker for a good chick flick and I LOVE Kate Winslet! It was a little different and the movie preview gave almost all of it away, but what more can you really expect from a chick flick? I loved how Cameron Diaz danced around to "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers - totally something I would do! And I loved how she makes movie trailers, so she thinks in movie trailers and then how Jack Black composes theme songs for movies and so he thinks in theme songs. I just thought it was well done and I was happy in the end! It's no Oscar-worthy, amazing, knock your socks off kind of thing, but it was what it was and I thought it was lovely!
Final Say: Worth seeing!
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