Synopsis: Johnny Truelove is a 19 year old drug dealer in California. Through a bad drug deal, Jake Mazursky ends up owing him about $1,200. After Jake breaks in and trashes Johnny's house, Johnny and his friends go to find Jake, but see his brother Zach walking down the road. They catch him and beat him up and then take him home with them to hold him for ransom. He is aware of what is going on, but is having fun partying with Johnny's friends. It is based on the true story of Jesse James Hollywood who was the youngest person ever to be on the FBI's Most Wanted List.
I actually loved the movie. I have been reading about the case and the making of the movie for about a month now and was just excited to see how the Writer/Director Nick Cassavetes put it all together. I think Justin Timberlake is actually a really good actor. I saw him in Edison Force and thought he was great, so I was excited to see what he would do in a completely different kind of role. And he was great. Ben Foster who plays Jake Mazursky was pretty out there, but he was playing someone who was supposed to be a little crazy and on drugs pretty much constantly. So if you've ever been around people who are on a drug that makes them like that, he really wasn't too far off from what it would've been like. Sharon Stone's fatsuit in the end was pretty distracting because it looked ridiculous. But if you can get past those things, it was just great. What is interesting to me is that the movie was taken straight from the case files of Jesse James Hollywood's attorney. So the movie is as accurate as it could be. In an interview with Nick Cassavetes, he says that it is between 90 to 95% accurate. He said obviously the actual details of what was said between everyone couldn't be completely accurate. But the storyline and what happened in what sequence of events and who was there and what they saw was taken from the witnesses accounts of the events. I think that's pretty much fascinating.
Final Say: If you can get past the drugs, sex, violence & language, it's worth seeing if you're interested in the story at all. But go into it knowing that it is a true story.
Here are some interesting sites with information about the real guy:
Really Detailed Account of how the movie was made
FBI Press Release about capture of Jesse James Hollywood
Unsolved Mysteries information
Jesse James Hollywood - Wikipedia
And heres is some pictures of him & the other real people in the movie:

Jesse James Hollywood at 19

Jesse James Hollywood after capture in 2005

Nick Markowitz

Jeff and Susan Markowitz

Ryan Hoyt (actually killed Nick Markowitz)
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