Synopsis: So it's 2027 and women haven't been able to have children for 18 years. The youngest living person just died. Clive Owen plays this guy who through a series of events ends up being responsible for helping this woman who is miraculously pregnant get across the border safely to meet up with this group that is going to help her.
I'm very torn over what I think of this movie. First of all, it is an incredible film. In terms of cinematography and just the general way the movie was done and put together, it's really great. There is no way around that. And I really liked the story. It was unique. It was making a statement. It was interesting. My only problem is that I feel like it was way too much story to put into a 2 hour movie. It left me with way too many questions. Not questions like lingering, left me thinking kind of questions, but actual, like I didn't understand basic premises of the movie kind of questions. I don't know, it was good. But it's not anywhere in my top movies ever.
Final Say: It's not a waste of money, but I doubt you'll leave just raving about it.
thought it was absolutely incredible and any loose ends were tied up quite well.
would highly recommend, however the people leaving the theatre behind us didn't know what they disliked more: "the beginning, the middle, or the end." voice was that of a redneck hick.
excellent movie!
thanks for doing these reviews, i always trust "real" reviews rather than the published ones.
i might check this one out, it sounds different at least!
i actually left raving about it.
no kidding.
ps: go to my myspace, listen to my profile song.
it's something i made a couple of nights ago,
when i was bored.
maybe i said it wrong. i'm not saying i didn't love it. i'm not saying i didn't think it was a really really awesome movie. i'm just saying it was a bigger story line than the amount of time it was given and i left with questions. we should talk about them...but in person because i'll have questions for your answers. there were lots of questions.
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