These do not include finales, which obviously are usually the best ones. I have also picked one from each season, although if I was just picking 10 episodes, I probably wouldn't pick one from season 3 or 4 and would instead pick an additional one from seasons 8 or 10. Also, I didn't pick the obvious ones - The One With All the Thanksgivings, etc. I chose to go a different route.
What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Don't care a thing about the show (ahem, SUSAN)?
Season 1 - The One With the East German Laundry Detergent
Ross & Rachel do laundry, ends in a kiss. It's just a funny starting point for the Ross & Rachel story. This is also the first time Chandler dumps Janice - not without poking her in the eye first!
Season 2 - The One Where Ross Finds Out
Classic Friends episode. It's always on the Top lists and not to be cliche, but it just belongs there. Rachel gets drunk and leaves Ross a message telling him she's over him. He has second thoughts about buying a cat with Julie and ends up kissing Rachel at the very end of the episode.
Season 3 - The One With the Hypnosis Tape
Frank Jr. shows up to tell Phoebe he is getting his high school home economics teacher. Rachel gives Chandler a hypnosis tape to get him to stop smoking, but it encourages him to be a strong, independent woman and has hilarious results.
Season 4 - The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line
Because Chandler & Kathy were just so cute, but mostly because Ross plays the keyboard. His "wordless sound poems" are perfection!
Season 5 - The One With Ross' Sandwich
Joey is put into awkward positions while trying to cover up Chandler & Monica's romance. Monica ends up having to cover for them herself. Ross loses his cool and then gets put on probation from work after his supervisor eats his leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich - with a moistmaker!
Season 6 - The One With Ross' Teeth
Because who can really watch Ross smile with those teeth and not crack up?
Season 7 - The One With Joey's New Brain
Pretty much the one and only reason why this episode is in my top 10 is because of the part where Ross plays the bagpipes for the gang and Phoebe attempts to sing along. It is one of the funniest moments in the show in my opinion.
Season 8 - The One Where Joey Dates Rachel
I almost would have been okay with Joey and Rachel ending up together at the end of the show and so this episode where Joey first realizes that he loves Rachel is just so wonderful for me. The end where they're watching Cujo and she asks if he is scared and he says, "Terrified." I can't watch it and not get choked up. Oh, and Phoebe buys Chandler & Monica a Ms. Pacman game, resulting in Chandler having "the claw!"
Season 9 - The One With Ross' Inappropriate Song
This one has Rachel & Ross singing Baby Got Back to Emma, but it also has Phoebe going to dinner at Mike's parents house. I love when Phoebe tells Mike's mom that he is a very tender and respectful lover and then keeps going on, resulting in Mike going, "Awesome!" Then when she says she threw up in coat closet. It's just hilarious to see Phoebe in that environment.
Season 10 - The One With Ross' Tan
Because Ross half tan is too funny. But also because Amanda steals the show. Her dancing and fake accent are just too much. I love when she dances for Chandler at the end.
What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Don't care a thing about the show (ahem, SUSAN)?

Ross & Rachel do laundry, ends in a kiss. It's just a funny starting point for the Ross & Rachel story. This is also the first time Chandler dumps Janice - not without poking her in the eye first!
Season 2 - The One Where Ross Finds Out
Classic Friends episode. It's always on the Top lists and not to be cliche, but it just belongs there. Rachel gets drunk and leaves Ross a message telling him she's over him. He has second thoughts about buying a cat with Julie and ends up kissing Rachel at the very end of the episode.
Season 3 - The One With the Hypnosis Tape
Frank Jr. shows up to tell Phoebe he is getting his high school home economics teacher. Rachel gives Chandler a hypnosis tape to get him to stop smoking, but it encourages him to be a strong, independent woman and has hilarious results.
Season 4 - The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line
Because Chandler & Kathy were just so cute, but mostly because Ross plays the keyboard. His "wordless sound poems" are perfection!
Season 5 - The One With Ross' Sandwich
Joey is put into awkward positions while trying to cover up Chandler & Monica's romance. Monica ends up having to cover for them herself. Ross loses his cool and then gets put on probation from work after his supervisor eats his leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich - with a moistmaker!
Season 6 - The One With Ross' Teeth
Because who can really watch Ross smile with those teeth and not crack up?
Season 7 - The One With Joey's New Brain
Pretty much the one and only reason why this episode is in my top 10 is because of the part where Ross plays the bagpipes for the gang and Phoebe attempts to sing along. It is one of the funniest moments in the show in my opinion.
Season 8 - The One Where Joey Dates Rachel
I almost would have been okay with Joey and Rachel ending up together at the end of the show and so this episode where Joey first realizes that he loves Rachel is just so wonderful for me. The end where they're watching Cujo and she asks if he is scared and he says, "Terrified." I can't watch it and not get choked up. Oh, and Phoebe buys Chandler & Monica a Ms. Pacman game, resulting in Chandler having "the claw!"
Season 9 - The One With Ross' Inappropriate Song
This one has Rachel & Ross singing Baby Got Back to Emma, but it also has Phoebe going to dinner at Mike's parents house. I love when Phoebe tells Mike's mom that he is a very tender and respectful lover and then keeps going on, resulting in Mike going, "Awesome!" Then when she says she threw up in coat closet. It's just hilarious to see Phoebe in that environment.
Season 10 - The One With Ross' Tan
Because Ross half tan is too funny. But also because Amanda steals the show. Her dancing and fake accent are just too much. I love when she dances for Chandler at the end.
disagree. the episode where chandra and monica get married and phoebe tells rachel she isnt pregnant, when she really is, and "thats a tricky little game" is the best episode.
makes me cry.
those are such good episodes! but chandler & monica getting married is a finale episode. i steered clear of those because they are all my favorites anyway over any others. and the one where phoebe tells rachel she isn't pregnant is the first episode of a season. i didn't use those either.
honestly, i could just make a list of every episode because even the ones that aren't my favorites have something in them that i find hilarious. lewis and i watch an episode every night and every night we both laugh out loud at something even though we've seen them all like 100 times.
you forgot the all important "the one where everyone isn't ready." rachael changes her clothes a million times, phoebe "got the hummus" and then she puts that huge bow on her dress, because she's be "being political," chandler hides joey's underwear, so joey puts on all of his clothes and does lunges, ross was going to drink the fat... fabulous.
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