I don't mean this in a weird way or anything. But this is what beautiful looks like to me. And not to sound all feminist or anything, but I think if we all start embracing the beauty in ourselves and appreciating the beauty in other people, we could do a lot of good. Life is too short to pick apart the little things you don't like about yourself or to tear down somebody else because you have low self-esteem. Sometimes, just look around you, life is so beautiful and so are the people you are around. These girls are my friends. I think they deserve some recognition for being as wonderful and beautiful as they all are.
Also, if you see your picture on here and you don't want it on here, let me know. I'll be happy to take it down. And if you want to know why I picked the one I did of you, just ask me, I have reasons.

you made me cry! i so agree with what you said. and thank you for including me. i think you are stunningly beautiful, both inside and out. and that picture of kristen is hot.
awww that was so cute i had to take a break.
i love this! such a boost of self-esteem too, haha :)
no but seriously, what a great idea...i love what you wrote!
also - i'm so glad you loved the vagina monologues! it's one of my favorite plays of all times. my roommate actually used to be in charge of producing it at uk, so i am very familiar with all things vagina, hahaha
this is the best post ever. there beautiful pictures- i just LOVE it. your wonderfully sensitive and fully of love- it refreshing.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your pictures!! I agree, we all should really embrace our beauty more and stop comparing ourselves to everyone else!! You make a wonderful point!
And on another note....subbing for kindergarten is soooo fun! I love little kids, they are constantly surprising me with things they say and do. They always make me laugh too:) As of right now I am PR (public relations) major, but I could see myself going back later to get my certification to teach (once I get bored, which I commonly do!).
cameron, i think that this was an excellent post, and agree with you whole heartedly. and so what if you are a little bit of a feminist! i know that i am!
hope i don't leave two posts...getting used to my new laptop! i love this post...i definately agree, and what's wrong with being a little bit of a feminist? i know that i am!
Amen sister!
cameron, i love you. plain and simple.
all of the pictures are beautiful except there's one of some girl in a blue shirt with what looks like twine hanging from her head. i am confused.
i'm a male chauvanist pig and i must say -- these women ARE beautiful. kudos.
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