(I must explain here that I don't see myself as "religious" - I see myself as a believer and follower of Jesus. I live my life according to how He lived His life. I think this covers all aspects of what people would call "religion" but it does so in a way that is more real and direct without the ridiculous connotations of generations of hypocrites.)
Donald Miller presents an authentic, genuine, realistic and heartfelt view of an individual as he comes to terms with his belief in God and then his surrender to a Savior. It's language and honesty that I think is hard to find today.
I am very excited to finally talk about the fact that they are making it into a movie! Steve Taylor and Ben Pearson have been working with Donald Miller on a screenplay for a while now and I've known it was coming, but now they have posted some videos of their discussions and thought processes in the production of the movie. I will keep posting as I find out more about this. It is a movie I will encourage everyone to see - whether you are a Christian or not - because they offer an honesty that I think anyone can relate to.
Steve Taylor Walks Through a Scene (Donald Miller official blog)
Blue Like Jazz the Movie Official Website
Christianity Today Interview with Steve Taylor & Donald Miller
Belmont Foundation Interview with Donald Miller
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