Saturday, November 22, 2008

Approval Rating

Sara posted this and it really made me think a lot!! It's an interesting question that I think she found on another site: "Would my teenage self approve of who I am today?"

After some thought, here's what I have concluded:

Teenage Cameron would approve of my friends. Diana, Allison and Emily are still a big part of my life just as they were in high school, so I know that teenage me would be happy about that. BUT, teenage Cameron would also not approve of some of the choices I've made with friends through the years. There are a few people, like my friend Liz, who have slipped a little too far out of reach. I am pretty sure that teenage Cameron would give the current Cameron a pretty strongly-worded piece of her mind on this topic if she had a chance.

Teenage Cameron would approve of my choice in career: teacher. It's always seemed to be where I knew I would end up anyway. It just fits me. Hopefully within 2 years I'll actually be teaching and not still in school, which leads me to my next conclusion:

Teenage Cameron would not be very happy with how long it has taken me to get through school. 'Nuff said. Goodness gracious!

Teenage Cameron would not approve of my husband. This is not to say that I didn't pick a fabulous one! Teenage Cameron did not have the best taste in boys. Lewis and I have discussed several times about how if we had met just 2 years earlier, we wouldn't have liked each other because we were different people. The timing was perfect for things to end up the way they did.

Teenage Cameron would approve of my style. I think I've maintained my ability to care, but not care in terms of style. I've had to grow up a little bit and start to dress more appropriately, but I still think it's pretty clear that I don't necessarily fit in the preppy-mold.

Teenage Cameron would want me to be more fearless. While pink hair and pink dress at my senior prom will haunt me forever, at least I was fearless enough to step out and do something like that. In high school, I would wear my mom's old blue jeans from the 70's and a plaid button-down from Goodwill just because I was comfortable and felt sort-of cute. Now, I am nowhere near that fearless - in almost any aspect of my life. Teenage Cameron would do a little butt-kicking in that area if she could see me now.

Overall, we are who we are for a reason. Things change for a reason. I miss teenage Cameron sometimes. The fearlessness, the sincerity, the craziness, the ability to actually SAY what I'm thinking, they're all things I wish I still had, but I don't. Life beats a lot of things out of you. But I'm still loved by the people who want to and I'm still friends with the people who have stuck around no matter what. I'm still that girl at heart and no matter what, I am who I am today because of who I was back then.

What would your teenage self have to say about you?


Anonymous said...

Cam! I loved reading this about you. It was so fun to think about and write about.

I think that Teenage Sara would approve on my crush on Edward Cullen.

Anonymous said...

Teenage Peter would not approve of his political party. I was a misguided youth raised in a FoxNews house. 'Nuff said.

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