Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Updates, Links and all that good stuff.

So I changed the look of my blog again. It's like anything, I can't keep the same look for very long! I'm really hoping I can find somebody who is good at html/graphic design/website kinda stuff and will help me develop my own unique look for my blog!!

About my links...
First of all, I rearranged some stuff. In my head, I organize things by category, by size, type, whatever. I'm very specific. So my blog needed to be specific as well or it just wouldn't represent me! So check out the new links on the side in new little subgroups! The ones that don't have many links will soon be filled with lots of blogging/website goodness for you to enjoy!

Also - here's how I find and keep my links:
1. If I go to your page and you haven't posted a blog in over 2 weeks, you're off the list (unless I know you personally and therefore know that you rock, that's a different story).
2. If you don't have any pictures at all I probably won't look at your blog very much. I need the pictures, people. I'm not reading a novel, I'm perusing a blog.
3. If YoU tYpE lIkE tHiS aNyWhErE oN yOuR bLoG, i WiLl AsSuMe YoU aRe 12 AnD hAvE nOtHiNg Of InTeReSt To SaY.


Unknown said...

i will blog again, i swear...

Cameron said...

haha i know tina!! it will be awesome!!

stephanie said...

dang....cameron got all kinds of mean.

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