Tuesday, December 23, 2008

7 Reasons Why I'm Crazy

My friend Jessica tagged me on her blog for this "7 Things" post where you post 7 things about yourself that people may not know. While I am pretty talkative and tend to reveal all kinds of things about myself to people, I'll be hard-pressed to find 7 things that NO ONE knows about me, but I'll do my best.

1. I had a pink dress and pink hair for my senior prom. Actually everyone who went knows this, but it was hideous and one of my more embarrassing memories.

2. When I get bored, I play entire Friends episodes in my head. There are about 4 that I can see and hear scene-for-scene, word-for-word in my head.

3. As much as I love movies and tv, there are only a few celebrities for whom I would actually freak out if I met them. I would either freeze up and just stare and not move or I might cry.

4. I have never been fishing. Ever.

5. If someone tells me that they don't listen to music, I secretly lose all interest in them as a human being. I don't understand that at all. Everyone has to listen to some kind of music.

6. I never work out and I have only gained a total of 13 pounds since graduating high school. I don't know why and I'm secretly waiting for it to catch up to me.

7. The only time I'm completely honest is when I've been drinking (which isn't very often). I hold way more back than people think I do.

Honorable Mention: I saw Twilight 5 times in the theater and I have plans to see it one more time at the dollar theater. And I still can't give it over a C rating. I do not sincerely believe there is crack in that storyline. I am in the process of reading the series for the 2nd time.

So now 7 blogs I think you should check out and that I am tagging to do their own 7 Things post.
1. Emily's Post
2. Not Your Plain Jane
3. Ria's Rhetoric
4. What Would Wesley Do
5. Kaintuckeean
6. Greg, Sarah & Ivy
7. Jen's Journal


Anonymous said...

It is so not fair that you haven't gained weight and don't work out!

I will have to think about this one...thanks for the tag!

Mama Smors said...

i am finally completing this tag! better late than never. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm worse than Mama... I just completed the tag like 3 weeks late. That was actually a fun one!

And yeah I had BIO 111 at UK. I had 103 too at the same time and ended up with a D :(

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