Saturday, December 29, 2007

So let's talk about these wisdom teeth...

1st of all - I thought I was going to be completely out during the surgery - like not remember a thing, wake up when they were done - which is what I WANTED. This is NOT what happened. I was awake and remember every second of the whole thing. I was numbed and I was on an IV which was doing something, but I don't know what because I remember what they said, I remember what they did, I felt the pressure and heard all of it even though I didn't feel it. I was really upset because I thought I was going to be completely out so I actually cried through the whole thing. But dumb loser. haha. As soon as they started the nitrous I just felt really heavy and I had this feeling that I was either just going to start uncontrollably laughing or uncontrollably crying. I cried. Wonderful.

So then they were done and Lewis & his mom came back there to take me home and I looked at Lewis and wanted to tell him that I was upset that I was awake through the whole thing, but when I tried to talk I couldn't, so I just started crying again and evidently spit all over myself. He's never wanted me more.

They drove me home and I actually did really well. Maybe them keeping me awake the whole time helped with that, I don't really know. But I laid on the couch with my favorite pillow and watched Hairspray with Lewis' mom. I fell asleep through most of it. The doctor had given me an antibiotic, a lesser kind of pain medicine (800mg of Ibuprofen) and a stronger pain medicine (big horse pills of Lortabs). I have yet to take the Lortabs because they freak me out. So I was fine on Thursday, I actually ate soup and pudding and had a milkshake.

On Friday, Emily came over to see me because she moves to Vegas on Tuesday so we could spend some time together. Hannah and Paul came over and watched Buffy. I talked too much and then later I tried to clean up the kitchen and make up my bed and stuff. Well that was evidently too much too soon because I woke up about 7:00 this morning and was in so much pain I was shaking and crying a little bit. Ugh.

So now I'm spending another day just laying down and watching Buffy & Bones. I'm not getting up a lot or leaving the house - which sucks because Emily's going away Open House is today and I can't go.

Overall things haven't been bad. I have heard stories that are much much worse so I'm actually very lucky, so Katie - getting your wisdom teeth removed really isn't that bad. Just don't try to do a lot of stuff a day later and just lay down and watch tv or something. When I sit up or stand up, that's when my blood starts flowing a lot and my face starts hurting.

Oh yeah, and they only removed 3 - I only had 3 - so I didn't have one on the bottom left and evidently the bottom ones are the bad ones. So I'm really really swollen on the right side of my face and the left side looks totally normal. I'm like a lopsided chipmunk. Lewis says it's cute but I think he just loves me and is trying to be nice because I feel like I look like Shrek or something. But I'm not bruised or anything!

So all is well!!

And now I'm going to go lay back down and watch more Buffy & Bones.

(I posted this for Katie because she told me to. I'm sure very few of you actually cared about the intricacies of my wisdom teeth escapades. Haha hope all of your weekends are wonderful!!)


Anonymous said...

You are too cute Cameron! Glad to see all went well for you. I was thinking of you and we said a prayer for you. See you soon! I didn't get to say bye to Em and Nate so I hope she stops by Monday if not I will be sad!
Take care-just take it easy!

kate said...

haha thank you so much for writing about it! :) mine are super bad impacted and i really need to get them out...i think i just have to suck it up and do it...i'm still scared though! :S lol

i hope you get all the way better soon, and glad it went well for you! (although the whole being-awake-while-operated-on would definitely freak me out...a lot)

kate said...

oh p.s. they gave me lortabs after my car wreck last week, i was very scared of them too bc i had never taken prescription pain medicine...but they really are not bad, they just make you very sleepy/relaxed, but they help a lot with pain! in case you were still scared of them, haha :)

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