Tuesday, September 23, 2008

i see you - lewis

Lewis is one of the most intelligent people I know. He doesn't just take things at face value. He always wants to know more. Everything he is interested in, he gives everything to. He doesn't do anything half-heartedly. His friends are more important to him than I think they will ever understand. I know what hurts him and what makes him happy and I think he deserves respect and praise for who he truly is. Nobody knows him like I do. We have seen the best and the worst of each other and I still think that the worst day with Lewis is better than the best day with anyone else. He is talented and passionate. I truly believe that one day he will be more than he has ever expected. And he will be that person without shame or guilt and he will let the world know that true, authentic living is a possibility. He makes mistakes, but he will admit to them. He doesn't hide behind a facade of perfection. He respects people who own up to their own mistakes and weaknesses and then he does everything he can to help those people grow to be better. He wants to help. He is a good friend and deserves more of them himself. He makes me feel like I can be better than I am.

That's why I married him.

What do you think of him?

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