1. I loved the beginning of it.
2. I hated about 200 pages of it.
3. Once you reach a certain point (around pg 360), it gets really good.
4. I loved the entire rest of the book.
It's awesome, probably my favorite one, but I haven't fully committed to that decision yet. I'm still very partial to the first one.
If you have not yet read the Twilight series, please pick up the first one ASAP! They're absolutely wonderful!!
For those of you who have finished it - what did you think? I don't mind spoilers in the comments.
i haven't read any of them yet...i was thinking about checking them out to fill my harry potter void (haha) but then i read this article today
and now i'm not too sure. what do you think about that whole aspect of it? i don't know if they are reading too much into it or what. hmmm.
I love the first one the best for sure. I didn't dislike the 4th book, and I agree...I loved the begining...I didn't like about 200 pages. I felt like there were things that were a cop out. Like Bella not having a hard time becoming a vampire. And what about Bella used to get sick from smelling blood, then when she was prego she was sucking it down? And I think a battle has been the theme at the end of every book. I think that I'm just sad that it's over and that's what's making me bitter.
But you know that it's all your fault that I'm adicted to them!
(this is in response to katie's comment)
I have several thoughts about that article.
#1 - They only read the 4th book. They didn't read the first 3. I find it absurd that anyone would think they can read the final installment of a series and think they can write any sort of commentary on it.
#2 - I understand they are pretty much a feminist blog and they're making comments and judgments about the anti-abortion or other conservative viewpoints of the book. If you take it in perspective - the Twilight books are young adult fiction aimed at 12-17 year olds and they are written by a Mormon. Mormons are very conservative, so I'm not sure how controversial and liberal you can expect a book to be when it is written from that perspective. If you are looking for a feminist, liberal perspective, you definitely want to look somewhere else.
#3 - Katie, I think I know you fairly well from high school and from reading your blogs and things and I know you would enjoy these books - ESPECIALLY if you enjoyed the Harry Potter books. Although I have criticisms of the Twilight books, they are just light fun reading that you can get through really fast and they'll leave you with a smile on your face. You can't dig too deep into it.
#4 - Maybe you will agree with their perspective, but you won't know until you read them - all of them - from the first one. There are things they discussed from the 4th book that you totally wouldn't understand or appreciate if you didn't read the first 3.
So...READ THEM! I'm okay with it if you don't end up liking them, but please don't let that article throw you off. If I count how many people I have gotten to read these books, I think the count is up to about 26 right now - all different types of people, all different ages, all different stages and styles of life - and every single of them of them have loved them as much as I did, so I feel very confident that you will feel the same way. But go into it just wanting something fun and enjoyable to read.
And then let me know what you think...
I literally just finished. I really enjoyed it. I was really suprised there were action/death in the battle. I guess that is the Harry Potter in me- that I would expect a main character to die, obviously I am glad they didn't and if there are more books I am really glad!
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