So me & Hannah & Paul are all obsessed with Buffy. And our birthdays all fall within 3 days of each other. So we have joint birthday parties. This year - there is a mild Buffy theme. We are making tshirts for our friends and putting the picture of the Buffy character they would be on the tshirts! I'm really excited about it! This is who everybody is going to be...and it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not they look like the person. There was just something about each of them that reminded us of that character. Oh and I'm Buffy because it's my bday and I introduced Hannah and Paul to Buffy. Hannah is Faith because she's way more hardcore than me, but she still has to be a slayer. And Paul is Xander because it just makes sense. And nobody is Angel because that was just too hard. (Although I think Lewis should be Angel because I'm Buffy and it just makes sense, but whatever...)
Me! (Cameron) = Buffy

Aaaahhhhh you love it!!!
If anybody else wants to come to our birthday party,
let me know and we'll pick out a person for you, too!!
If anybody else wants to come to our birthday party,
let me know and we'll pick out a person for you, too!!
This is pretty amazing! You crack me up Cameron! I love you. Your birthday party sounds fun.
i'm super excited!!! by the way. bobby doesn't want to come because he has to be the black man :( hahahhaha
haha you're so funny... i'm pertty impressed by this!
if I don't have any powers atleast I was Prom Queen... I'm NOT being serious... I want power- who cares about the hot girl if she can't kick anyones butt!
you are ridiculous. lol funny stuff cameron....emily is cordelia? funny cuz no one likes cordelia right? haha
this party is such a great idea!
haha...wesley likes cordelia! aww how cute cause nate is wesley!
get your buffy facts straight steph, geez...
I love this idea! That is too fun!!
im talking about the pre-angel/pre-little sister seasons of buffy when no one liked her because she was a BEEotch. oh and zander and cordelia dated didn't they? so there ya go i wouldn't know about the rest...i stopped watching buffy once willow turned all crazy and what not.
aahhhh i love that people are loving my buffy birthday idea!! i have so many comments for you all - janine, bobby HAS to come because he is the black man!! principal wood is awesome!! emily - cordelia doesn't have any powers, but in the Angel series, Angel falls in love with her so that's a big deal. and wesley liked her and she dated xander, so she's a good one! stephanie - i am so impressed by your buffy knowledge!! next time you come in town i am kidnapping you for a buffy marathon and showing you my favorite episodes!! and by the way i will do that for anybody else who is interested!!
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